Saturday, August 25, 2007

New Orleans In Chicago!

Saw a great New Orleans tribute show last night at beautiful Millenium Park in downtown Chicago. Featured act was The New Orleans Social Club, which features among others, the great New Orleans piano player Henry Butler, Ivan Neville and guitarist Leo Nocintelli of the late, great Meters.

Joining the Social Club were Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews -- who was astonishing as always on Trombone; John Boutte -- who did a bring-the-house-down version of "Why"; Irma Thomas; Chicago's own "Queen of the Blues" Koko Taylor and the Hot 8 Brass Band.

Lots of great moments -- particularly when Koko, John and Irma were dancing together during Saints! And when Troy was hanging with Henry Butler. Crowd was second lining and having a ball.

Lots of heartfelt tributes to New Orleans from the announcers and everybody involved. Felt like New Orleans in Chicago for a few hours at least!

By the way, John spotted me in the audience, which added to the fun!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Saw the pictures. Bill was there, too.