Monday, August 27, 2007


Well put, Kevin! This anniversary has stirred up so many emotions for me and I know for a lot of others. How the hell we could be in this sorry ass shape two years down the road is astonishing. I continue to see it as a complete failure of leadership. Not only did the levees and the Army Corps fail us, our so-called leaders at every level have failed us -- repeatedly. What a difference an activist Mayor, a strong Governor and non-idealogue President could have made.

But as one who always sees the Abita half-full, I blieve that ultimately the life force of the city will prevail and the good times will roll again. But how long it will take until New Orleans is off life-support is anybody's guess. Until President Obama is inaugurated, I reckon!

In the meantime, we can all share our passion and our love for the city, support its musicians and encourage others to do the same. And, I hope, put some pressure on our leaders to try a new approach -- fucking lead or get the fuck out of the way!

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