Friday, April 18, 2008

Can it really get any better?

French Quarter Fest was my second tour of duty in NOLA with the Frenchmen Krewe (despite feeling like it was my you guys) and I find myself asking, "can it really get any better than it was last weekend?" Funny, but I asked myself that same exact question after Satchmo Fest last August. And the answer I'm most comfortable with is YES...and NO.

Every weekend was or will be unique even though the names are familiar. From friends -- Peter, Kevin, Kim, Maria, Barri, Leroy, Katja, Carol and Boz -- to performers -- Trombone Shorty, Bonerama, Treme w/ Uncle Lionel, Hurricane Brass Band w/ Leroy and Katja -- to places -- 13, dba, Blue Nile, Electric Ladyland, Rays, Vaughn's, Donna's -- to...well, you get the point. NOLA is both incredibly familiar and unbelievely new and fresh every time I now visit. Traditions are taking shape (Crawfish Boils MUST be one of them!!!) yet spontaneity rules. Friendships are intimate without effort or expectations. The one word that most closely describes our time together?...MAGICAL.

I'll be blogging more thoughts (with my shirt ON...thanks, Kev!) and will post a few pics shortly. Miss you all already and can't wait for Satchmo Fest 2008 to arrive.

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