The Ketchum Finance Directors held their annual meeting in New Orleans from Monday night through Thursday. Kim and I got to participate -- wonderful evenings on Frenchmen Street (Spotted Cat, Apple Barrel, DBA, 13), lovely dinners at Tujauques and Cafe Amelie, but the real hightlight was the day all 35 of us spent volunteering at the Wilson Charter School in Broadmoor.
Under the direction of Miss Sheila (the principal) and Miss Connie (board president), our group painted windows, repaired doors and screens, helped with arts and crafts, moved boxes, read to the children, put up bulletin boards -- and above all else, tried to give the teachers and the students, all of whom had been displaced, and many of whom had been out of school for a long, long time a sense that we cared. It was an amazingly inspirational day.
When we debriefed later the entire group agreed to adopt the school and continue to do what we can to help ensure its success. Ketchum CFO, Rob Lorfink, who heads the group pledged that this will be a sustainable activity.
I can't even put in words how grateful I am for Ketchum's continued support of our beloved city. I think this is about the fourth or fifth big meeting we have had down there.
This one was truly extra special. Don't think any of us will forget the experience for a long, long time.